Perlu ke Medical Card bila Majikan Bagi Benefit Perubatan


“YA BETUL. Tak perlu la ada medical card sebab syarikat tempat kita bekerja dah cover. Buat apa bayar lebih, jadi membazir. Kalau jatuh sakit, syarikat akan tanggung kos perubatan dan segala kos pembedahan yang diperlukan untuk saya sihat kembali.”


“Selagi saya bekerja syarikat pasti tanggung. Kalau syarikat sekarang cover limit rendah saya mungkin perlu cari kerja di syarikat lain yang ada coverage bagus. Bila dapat kerja di syarikat ni saya akan kerja betul-betul dan setia sampai saya pencen.”


“Kalau kena berhenti/tukar kerja, atau pencen nanti baru lah saya fikir balik dan ambil medical card ni untuk hari tua.“


“……. Mahal sikit kot.”

Tuan/puan, perlindungan takaful kesihatan(medical card) ni kalau kita yakin sentiasa sihat memang membazir. Bila dah tak sihat status dia bertukar jadi KEPERLUAN. TAPI bila dah berumur, dah ada darah tinggi, kencing manis atau apa-apa penyakit kritikal, tak guna apply medical card dah sebab SYARIKAT TAKAFUL TAKKAN APPROVED. Kalau approve pun(dah berusia dan masih sihat), caruman bulanan SANGAT SANGAT TINGGI.

Patients in a hospital ward

Nabi S.A.W ada berpesan supaya kita sentiasa beringat. Ingat apa?

Ingat lima perkara sebelum lima perkara, apa perkara-perkara tu?


MUDA sebelum TUA



HIDUP sebelum MATI

Kenapa penting sangat perkara ‘5 sebelum 5’ ni?

Lima perkara penting yang merangkumi segenap kehidupan kita, tanpa mengira umur, darjat, kaum atau agama.

Bersediakah kita menghadapi 5 perkara di sebelah kanan? SAKIT, TUA, MISKIN, SEMPIT dan MATI?

Kalau kita dah SAKIT dan dah TUA, tiada syarikat takaful yang akan luluskan permohonan takaful kita. Segala perbelanjaan perubatan masa tu terpaksa guna duit simpanan sendiri, atau dana persaraan jika ada. Kalau tiada simpanan? beraturlah di hospital kerajaan, panjat pejabat baitulmal, pusat zakat mohon bantuan.

Kalau nak tau apa pelan takaful yang bersesuaian dengan keperluan perlindungan anda? Boleh klik sini atau WhatsApp kami.

Jadi, betul ke dah bila syarikat dah cover medical, tak perlu ada medical card dah?

Kalau sudi boleh komen/PM/Wasap pandangan tuan-tuan & puan-puan.

Tidak tahu untuk melabur? Ini beberapa petua pelaburan untuk anda!

DALAM situasi ekonomi mencabar ketika ini, kita semua perlu bijak dalam menguruskan kewangan bagi memastikan kita sentiasa bersedia menghadap sebarang kemungkinan terhadap kewangan kita serta mampu untuk menguruskan risiko dengan baik jika berlaku apa-apa krisis.

Jadi, apa yang kita perlu lakukan? Strategi terbaik yang boleh dicadangkan adalah dengan membuat pelaburan yang berpotensi untuk memperoleh pulangan mampan.

Kepentingan pelaburan dalam kehidupan sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat di Malaysia. Namun, buat pelabur yang pertama kali ingin memulakan pelaburan, situasi ini mungkin kelihatan sedikit rumit.

Pernahkah persoalan berikut berlegar dalam fikiran anda?

  • Apakah jenis pelaburan yang sesuai untuk saya?
  • Berapakah jumlah minimum yang diperlukan untuk saya mula melabur?
  • Bagaimanakah sekiranya saya melabur dalam pelaburan yang tidak sesuai dan pelaburan mengalami kerugian?

Jika perkara tersebut sering menjadi persoalan anda, jangan bimbang. Perkara ini adalah persoalan yang lazim dan kami memahami perasaan anda!

Pertimbangkan jenis-jenis pelaburan

Saham bursa, sukuk, dana unit amanah, mata wang kripto dan hartanah adalah senarai pelaburan yang boleh dipilih oleh anda tetapi kesesuaian pelaburan kemungkinannya tidak sepadan dengan toleransi risiko pelabur.

Kebimbangan untuk memulakan langkah pertama mungkin akan dirasai buat pelabur yang ingin memulakan pelaburan buat pertama kali.

Jika situasi ini rumit buat anda, kami sarankan anda untuk bermula dengan dana unit amanah (unit trust fund) terlebih dahulu.

Dana unit amanah merupakan suatu pelaburan kolektif, yang mana modal para pelabur dikumpulkan ke dalam satu dana untuk diuruskan oleh pengurus-pengurus dana professional dan dikawal selia oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia.

Adakah ia sesuai dengan anda? Jawapannya adalah ‘Ya’, sekiranya anda mempunyai salah satu daripada senario berikut:

1. Anda mempunyai simpanan yang mencukupi untuk melabur.

2. Anda tidak mempunyai masa atau kecenderungan untuk menguruskan portfolio pelaburan secara langsung atau pelaburan saham.

3. Anda mahu melabur dengan mudah dalam pelbagai jenis pelaburan yang biasanya tidak mudah diakses.

Mengapa anda perlu pertimbangkan pelaburan anda dalam dana unit amanah? Ini kerana ia adalah pelaburan yang mampu milik dan tidak memerlukan jumlah modal pelaburan yang besar.

Terdapat banyak jenis pelaburan dalam dana unit amanah yang memerlukan jumlah modal pelaburan permulaan dalam lingkungan RM100 hingga RM1,000 sahaja.

Selain itu, dana unit amanah adalah pelaburan yang mudah tunai, di mana anda boleh membeli dan menjual pelaburan dalam dana unit amanah dengan mudah dalam jangka masa yang pendek.

Apakah cara untuk membuat pelaburan?

Terdapat beberapa cara untuk melabur dalam dana unit amanah. Sebagai contoh, anda boleh membuat belian sekali gus, di mana anda melaburkan jumlah wang sekali gus dalam dana pilihan dan biarkan pelaburan anda berkembang melalui kesan pengkompaunan.

Ia membolehkan pelabur menikmati pulangan berdasarkan modal pelaburan yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun.

Anda juga boleh mempertimbangkan cara simpanan secara tetap, di mana caruman secara berkala (contohnya, secara bulanan) dibuat kepada dana pilihan anda dan kesan pengkompaunan dibiar untuk berkuat kuasa.

Skim Pelaburan Ahli KWSP

Dalam situasi di mana anda tidak mampu untuk mengetepikan sejumlah wang tambahan bagi tujuan pelaburan, anda boleh mempertimbangkan untuk mempelbagaikan sebahagian daripada simpanan Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) Akaun 1 anda ke dalam dana unit amanah yang ditawarkan oleh institusi pengurusan dana yang telah diluluskan di bawah skim pelaburan ahli KWSP.

Tambahan lagi, dengan portal i-Invest yang dilancarkan oleh KWSP, ahli-ahli boleh menikmati manfaat kemudahan dan fleksibiliti di mana anda boleh membuat pilihan pelaburan serta pemantauan pelaburan secara dalam talian pada bila-bila masa dan di mana-mana sahaja!

Tahukah anda?

Kesemua dana yang diluluskan di bawah skim pelaburan ahli KWSP adalah dana berkualiti tinggi. Dana-dana ini dinilai setiap tahun berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan oleh KWSP dan diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kewangan. Dua kriteria kelayakan untuk penilaian dana termasuk prestasi yang konsisten serta prestasi relatifnya berbanding penanda aras dana.

Langkah mudah membuat pelaburan saham amanah.

Mulakan pelaburan dengan lima langkah mudah ini:

1. Log masuk i-Akaun KWSP

2. Tekan Pelaburan > Transaksi > Beli

3. Pilih Principal Asset Management Berhad

4. Pilih dana pilihan anda dan masukkan jumlah pelaburan yang diinginkan

5. Sahkan transaksi anda

Tak tahu dana/fund apa yang sesuai untuk anda? Hubungi kami di WhatsApp untuk kami beri nasihat secara percuma.

Apa Kepentingan Pengurusan Kewangan?

Kewangan adalah aspek yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan, dan setiap individu harus merancang kewangan mereka, tanpa mengira status kaya atau miskin. Namun, rancangan kewangan yang tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik dapat menyebabkan kegagalan dalam menguruskan kewangan. Pengurusan kewangan peribadi bukanlah perkara yang mudah, ini adalah fakta. Walaupun banyak yang mengatakan bahawa mengurus kewangan peribadi mudah, namun, sebenarnya ia memerlukan rancangan yang teliti, pelaksanaan yang bijak, dan disiplin yang tinggi.

Anda tidak perlu menjadi pakar kewangan atau jutawan untuk merancang kewangan dengan bijak. Yang diperlukan hanyalah meningkatkan pengetahuan kewangan anda, merancang dengan teliti, dan mempraktikkan disiplin yang tinggi dalam menguruskan kewangan. Perancangan kewangan termasuk pembayaran komitmen bulanan, bil-bil, pelaburan berkala, simpanan peribadi, dan juga simpanan kecemasan.

Berikut adalah beberapa sebab mengapa anda perlu melakukan pengurusan kewangan:

1.  Memahami Aliran Tunai: Dengan merancang perbelanjaan lebih awal, anda akan dapat mengetahui dari mana sumber pendapatan anda datang dan bagaimana ia digunakan.
2.  Memaksimumkan Pelaburan: Rancangan yang teliti membolehkan anda memaksimumkan pelaburan dalam jangka masa panjang.
3.  Peningkatan Taraf Hidup: Ini membolehkan anda meningkatkan taraf hidup anda tanpa perlu bimbang tentang masalah atau krisis kewangan.
4.  Perancangan Kewangan untuk Masa Depan: Anda dapat merancang untuk pembelajaran anak-anak atau persaraan anda.
5.  Disiplin: Disiplin tinggi diperlukan dalam semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk dalam hal kewangan.

Pengurusan kewangan peribadi mempengaruhi gaya hidup individu. Terdapat pelbagai kaedah yang boleh digunakan untuk menguruskan kewangan peribadi secara sistematik. Kesedaran akan kepentingan perancangan kewangan akan membantu anda berhati-hati dalam perbelanjaan dan mengelakkan hutang yang tidak perlu. Ini adalah jaminan masa depan anda, kerana pelbagai perkara boleh berlaku, baik atau buruk, yang memerlukan pengurusan wang yang bijak. Ingatlah, setiap perubahan dan tindakan bermula dari anda sendiri.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Virtual environment in order to scale up their back office of your back office systems


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Virtual environment in order to scale up their back office of your back office systems


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Virtual environment in order to scale up their back office of your back office systems


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.